Epsom Downs Primary School & Children's Cnetre


At Epsom Downs, Religious Education is taught through engaging, enquiry-based learning including the use of religious artefacts, ICT, cross curricular links, visitors from different faiths and of world views and visits to places of worship according to the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education’s (SACRE) locally agreed syllabus.

Our RE Curriculum is:

  • Engaging since it begins with children’s own understanding and is an enquiry-based programme of study and allows the children to ask meaningful questions and explore answers
  • Enriching because it offers children opportunities to understand religious and non-religious world views, especially through visits to places of worship or visitors to the school
  • Values-centred since it offers children opportunities to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences, whilst respecting the right of others to differ and develop the value of tolerance
  • Language Rich because all children explore, use and understand a range of vocabulary linked to religious and non-religious world views


A new RE syllabus was introduced in September 2023, please see the new progression of knowledge which details the units of work and knowledge covered in each year group.

 The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools 2023-2028

 RE Policy 2023-2025

 Collective Worship Policy 2022-2024