Epsom Downs Primary School & Children's Cnetre

Year 5

The Year 5 classes are Barn Owls and Ospreys.

In Year 5, children are encouraged to be positive role models for the younger years. They have gained significant confidence in their learning and can independently produce longer pieces of work based on lesson content.

The Year 5 themes are varied and interesting and are carried through all curriculum areas in a creative way. The current Year 5 themes are: Meet the Greeks, Invaders and Settlers and Natural Disasters. These themes are intended to make children think about the world around them and their place within it.

Year 5 is also an exciting time for the children’s linguistic and cultural development as they start learning French. An additional language is an extremely important skill and is an excellent basis for the compulsory language work in secondary school.

Starting this year the children will have access to a vast array of new computing activities linked to programming and robotics using a wide variety of cutting-edge equipment.

Your child will be given a number of home learning tasks at the beginning of each term which they can complete at their own pace. In addition we ask that children read at home on a daily basis, complete maths tasks on Mathletics and learn weekly spellings.

All parents are invited to the termly Parent Consultation evening where they can discuss their child's progress and development, and the curriculum. For any immediate concerns, class teachers are available after school or by appointment.


  Takeaway Homework Autumn