Epsom Downs Primary School & Children's Cnetre

Year 4

The year 4 classes are Herons and Swans.

In Year 4, the children join the rest of KS2 in the main school building. This means that they have regular interactions with the Year 5 and Year 6 children who are encouraged to be positive role models for their younger peers.

Your child will be encouraged to adopt a mature attitude towards learning, working on their organisational skills to be used at school and at home. Home learning activities are set at the beginning of each term and are designed to develop choosing and time management skills. Spellings will be sent home and mathletics tasks and Times Table Rockstars activities set every week. Learning times tables is essential this year and the children will have a national multiplication checker test in June.

Our topics in Year 4 are The BFG, Narnia (Keeping Warm, Keeping Cool), Ancient Egyptians and The Mayans. This is an important year for key scientific themes Animals including Humans, Living Things & Habitats, States of Matter, Sound and Electricity. As the learning becomes more advanced, your child will be encouraged to develop their confidence through group work and interactive learning.

Throughout Year 4 we have a number of exciting trips planned including a residential trip to High Ashurst in the Summer term where the children have the opportunity to experience a variety of fantastic activities.

All parents are invited to the termly Parent Consultation evening where they can discuss their child's progress and development, and the curriculum. For any immediate concerns, class teachers are available after school or by appointment.

 Takeaway Homework Autumn