Epsom Downs Primary School & Children's Cnetre

Year 1

The Year 1 classes are Beech and Oak.

Our specialist KS1 teachers and experienced full-time classroom assistants are responsible for all areas of your child's wellbeing and learning throughout the day. They provide a friendly and welcoming classroom environment which ensures a smooth transition from the Rainbow Unit.

In the Autumn term, children continue to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum to instil a sense of confidence in their new environment before moving on to the Key Stage 1 learning. The children will continue to have the opportunity to learn through play and follow their own interests. Throughout the year, there is a transition towards a more formal teaching style.

Your child will spend a significant part of their day learning Phonics, Writing and Maths by providing creative and purposeful learning opportunities through dynamic whole-class or small-group activities. We use a reading scheme called Read Write Inc, which is a highly successful programme at supporting children in their reading development. Basic skills in Maths, such as learning number bonds and spelling will also be important aspects of the Year 1 curriculum.

 Reception to Year 1 Meeting (Download)

 Autumn term RWI presentation (Download)

 Spring Term Phonics Screening Check Meeting (Download)

 Fred Talk Parent Handout

 Listening to your child read

 Set 1 sounds 

 Set 2 and 3 sounds

 Parent Meeting Phonic Screening Check

We encourage outdoor learning as a key part of the learning process and all Year 1 classrooms have direct access to a safe, enclosed garden where the children can explore the world around them.

Our current themes are The Lost World, The Frozen Planet, Emergency and The Great Outdoors allowing children to learn in a cross-curricular way.

We are always happy to discuss your child's learning and development, and the curriculum with you. Parent Consultation evenings are held once a term, but please contact your child's class teacher if you have any immediate concerns.